
REST API reference

All rest endpoints expects a JSON body and returns an JSON object.


Set the Authorization header to the credential you provided when initializing your server.

Authorization: YOUR_CREDENTIAL

Faroe will return a 401 error response if the request has an invalid credential.

    "error": "NOT_AUTHENTICATED"


Successful responses will have a 200 status if it includes a response body or 204 status if not.

All error responses have a 4xx or 5xx status and includes a JSON object with an error field. See each endpoint's page for a list of possible response statuses and error codes.

    "error": "INVALID_DATA"

Data types

  • Email address: Must be less than 256 characters long, have a "@", and a "." in the domain part. Cannot start or end with a whitespace.
  • Password: Must be between 8 and 127 characters.





Email verification

Email update

Two-factor authentication

Password reset