
GET /users

Gets a list of users.

GET https://your-domain.com/users

Query parameters

All parameters are optional.

  • sort_by: Field to sort the list by. One of:
    • created_at (default): Sort by when the user was created.
    • id: Sort by the user's ID.
  • sort_order Order of the list. One of:
    • ascending (default)
    • descending
  • per_page: A positive integer that specifies the number of items in a page (default: 20).
  • page: A positive integer that specifies the page number to be returned (default: 1).



Successful response

Returns a JSON array of user models. If there are no users in the page, it will return an empty array.

You can get the number of total pages from the X-Pagination-Total-Pages header and the total number of users with the X-Pagination-Total header..

X-Pagination-Total-Pages: 6
X-Pagination-Total: 113


        "id": "eeidmqmvdtjhaddujv8twjug",
        "created_at": 1728783738,
        "email_verified": true,
        "registered_totp": false

Error codes